Sunday, August 24, 2008

McLaren on being saved in A New Kind of Christian

The way you modern evangelicals use the word "saved" is, I think, terribly unbiblical. (How's that for throwing down the gauntlet?) The way you talk about salvation suggests that the only thing that matters in life is getting your butt into heaven, being saved from hell, getting eternal life for yourself. ... I also think the standard definition of salvation breed passivity. It's like a line in the sand, and we say, "The most important thing in life is to be on the other side of the line." OK. People cross the line. What then? They try to get other people to cross the line. OK. What then? I see a huge contrast to crossing the line in this way, and following Jesus on a journey."

Brian McLaren, in A New Kind of Christian (p. 130)

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