Sunday, July 20, 2008

Kenneth Miller on evolution, free will

“Accepting evolution is neither more nor less than the result of respecting the reality and consistency of the physical world over time. We are material beings with an independent physical existence, and to fashion such beings, any Creator would have had to produce an independent material universe in which our evolution over time was a contingent posibility. A believer in the divine accepts that God’s love and His gifts of freedom are genuine – so genuine that they include the power to choose evil and, if we wish, to freely send ourselves to hell. Not all believers will accept the stark conditions of that bargain, but our freedom to act has to have a physical and biological basis. Evolution and its sister sciences of genetics and molecular biology provide that basis. A biologically static world would leave a Creator’s creatures with neither freedom nor the independence required to exercise that freedom. In biological terms, evolution is the only way a Creator could have made us the creatures we are – free beings in a world of authentic and meaningful moral and spiritual choices.”-

- Kenneth R. Miller, Cell Biologist at Brown University
in "Finding Darwin's God" p. 290-291

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